1 Wire Hose vs 2 Wire Hose
Buying the right equipment when you are first starting a pressure washing company can make or break your first year in business. If you have been running a pressure washing business for a while then you definitely know the value of having the right equipment. For pressure washing hoses, single wire hoses vs double wire hoses is a longstanding debate.
1 wire hose - a hose with a high tensile metal wire that is braided.
2 wire hose - a hose 2 layers of high tensile metal wire that is braided.
Benefits of 1 Wire Pressure Washing Hose
One wire hose is MUCH lighter in weight than 2 wire hose. This makes the hose a lot easier to maneuver and lift if the hose gets stuck on a tree root or piece of landscaping. The weight differential might seem fairly insignificant at first but after a long day with many jobs, you feel the difference in weight between 1 wire and 2 wire hoses. Hose management is much less tiring with 1 wire hose.
Negatives of a 1 Wire Hose
One wire hose is not suited for hot water pressure washers. Another limitation is most 1 wire hoses are only rated for 3500-4000psi. In 99% of cases, 4000psi is more than enough but it is nice having a higher-rated hose so that when you do use 3500psi you are not redlining the limit of the hose.
The most common criticism of one wire hoses is that they break or puncture easier than 2 wire hoses. While operating my pressure washing business I did notice that my 2 wire hoses would stay functional for longer, however, I would occasionally have 2 wire hoses get punctured after a couple of months on occasion.
Benefits of 2 Wire Hoses
These hoses are much better suited for commercial work, especially flat work where you will be constantly dragging the hose on concrete. These hoses can also withstand much higher pressure and are also rated for hot water use. Overall, the benefit is durability.
Negatives of 2 Wire Hoses
They are also more expensive than 1 wire hoses. 2 wire hoses are very heavy. They don’t bend and can become exhausting to carry around all day.
If you are a smaller pressure washing company mainly doing residential work then you will appreciate the ease of use of 1 wire hoses. Jobs will get done quicker simply because of easier hose management. Your crew will appreciate the 1 wire as well.
If you are mainly doing commercial work then you should consider 2 wire hoses for added durability. 1 wire hoses will last a while if treated properly and if used largely on grass doing residential jobs.
The most important point is that you shouldn’t just focus your attention on optimizing the equipment you have. You should also focus on optimizing for your employees. As a pressure washing business owner, I found my employees vastly preferred working with 1 wire hoses, so I listened to them and now all of our pressure washing trucks use 1 wire hose except for our strictly commercial truck.