3 Ways to Book More Awning Cleaning Jobs

Your pressure washing business should try and offer services that you can perform profitably with your existing equipment. Your goal is to capture a larger market share. Awning cleaning is a no-brainer add-on to your existing business. I won’t go into the detail of how to clean an awning as this site is designed as a resource for marketing your pressure washing business, however, believe me, awning cleaning may seem daunting but it couldn’t be any easier.

How to Book Awning Cleaning Services

1.Email Commercial Buildings in Your Area that Have Awnings

It is as simple as that. I made over $9000 in a single year by simply emailing bars and restaurants that had canvas awnings in the front. I didn’t send a long email. The email was basically, “Hey I operate a local pressure washing company in the area and I noticed your awning could use a cleaning. I have your awning quoted at -$-. Here is a link to a gallery of previous awnings we have cleaned”. If I have driven by the awning and know its size and the general condition that the awning is in then I like to give a quote right in the email. Restaurant owners are busy — so your job is to make it simple for them. Make it easy for them to make a purchasing decision.

2. Contact Awning Manufacturers and Distributors for Their Client List

Go online and find the companies that are manufacturing and installing awnings in your area. Find out if the company offers awning cleaning as a service. If they don’t offer awning cleaning then call them and ask if you can be their recommended awning cleaning provider.

Fun fact: most awning installation companies offer repair but they don’t offer cleaning

Your 2 main objectives when talking with the owner or sales at the awning company is to either:

  1. Buy their customer email list

  2. Become the official cleaner for the awning installation company

The obvious goal is #2 as it provides ongoing referrals and the customer already has built in trust with the awning installer. For option #2 to occur you need to have a proven track record of cleaning awnings safely and effectively. Remember, the awning distributor would be sticking their neck out and putting their brand on the line by recommending you to their customers.

3. Get Awning Cleaning Customers on a Reoccuring Cleaning Plan

The awnings that you cleaned are going to get dirty again. Shocker, I know. Almost all awnings are located in the front of the building. It’s normally one of the first things a person notices. These restaurant and bar owners need the face of their business to stay clean and presentable to the public. A reoccurring cleaning plan removes unnecessary scheduling issues for the restaurant owner and gives you a predictable reoccurring revenue for your business.

Do your best to schedule the reoccurring services when on the job site with the restaurant or bar owner. Do not try and set up the reocurring awning cleaning plan before you clean the awning. The restaurant owner will feel like you are trying to lock them into a contract. Clean the awning until it’s spotless and then propose a reoccurring cleaning.

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